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h inglés (en) | The centerpiece of Johanna Calle’s artistic development focuses on the exercise of political art that analyzes different issues common to her work, such as the struggle for rights that can be observed in her 1999 piece “Nombre Propio” (Own Name) or her “Subemergentes” (Subemergents) project in 2013. Another facet centers on language, either as an examination of the past or as an investigation into indigenous languages that have been lost in the country. This can be seen in her Chambacú Albalá drawings related to the Arabic language, or the 2013 series “Lluvias” (Rains) where she focuses on indigenous languages. Another factor of her work that should be mentioned is the call for respect for and conservation of flora and fauna, such as in the Perspectivas (Perspectives) project in 2013. |
h español (es) | Posteriormente, desarrolló nuevas obras en las que denunciaba el desamor, la violencia estructural y de género, el abuso infantil, entre otros temas. Responden a esas exploraciones las obras “Las cartas azules”, “Los nudos de no”, “Respuestas concretas”, “Las niñas bravas”, “Progenie” y “Afasia”. A los ensamblajes y bordados, le sumó las fotografías experimentales en el repertorio de sus técnicas. |