Otros idiomas:
Marta María Pérez
Datos generales
Nombre Marta María Pérez Bravo
Fecha de nacimiento 1959
Nacionalidad Cubana
Ocupación Artista, Fotógrafa
Estudios universitarios Instituto Superior de Arte de La Habana
País de nacimiento Cuba
Ciudad de nacimiento La Habana

Marta María Pérez Bravo is a Cuban artist born in Havana in 1959. Through photography and video, she has investigated the ritual practices of Afro-Cuban traditions and their relationships with language and the body. Her work is in dialogue with performance, as her body has been a fundamental element in both her photographic and moving-image projects, which are in the cast of self-portraits. From her youth she has been one of the most influential contemporary Cuban artists in her own country and internationally, which is evident in her works’ appearance in exhibitions and the collections of numerous museums.


In 1984, Pérez completed her studies at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, specializing in painting. A few years later she became internationally known through several individual exhibitions at the Carrillo Gil Museum in Mexico, the Caracas Museum of Modern Art in Venezuela, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima, Peru. In 1995, she moved from Cuba to the city of Monterrey. Her works are included in important contemporary art collections around the world, such as those of Madrid’ Reina Sofía Museum in Spain and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Australia in Sydney. Meanwhile, in Cuba, an anthological exhibition of her work since 1983 was presented at the National Fine Arts Museum in 2020.[1]

Artistic career

In the mid-eighties, as a young artist, she presented one of her most powerful works in the series “Para concebir” (To Conceive), recognized for renewing the language of photography in Latin America. In this period of her career, motherhood became the vehicle for her visual work, as she experienced the intersection of the transformations of her body and the discourses and norms that prescribe maternal performance in Cuban culture.

The photographs in the series show the influence of Cuban conceptual artist Ana Mendieta and American photographer Cindy Sherman. As a young mother in 1987, she continued to explore this theme with the series “Recuerdos de nuestro bebé” (Memories of Our Baby).

In the following decade, the artist's career moved away from the autobiographical theme of motherhood towards the investigation of the feeling of loneliness as a human experience. This is expressed in works such as “Lo que allí se siente” (What Is Felt There) and “Todo lo tengo, todo me falta” (I’ve Got It All, I Lack It All). In this stage, she also dedicated works to representations of the Orishas, divinities of the Yoruba religion transported from Africa to Cuba and Brazil especially through the diasporic migration that occurred during the European occupation of the Americas. Some of these deities are the subject of her photographs: Eleggua, Yemayá, Ochún.

From 2000 onwards, Pérez produced video work consistently alongside her photographic work.

Characteristics of her work

Black and white photography is crucial in Marta María Pérez's work. In some of her projects, text written on the photographs points to the effective value of language in the Santeria tradition and is not simply a description or translation of the image. These images study the relationship between body and language, taking the artist's own body as a center for the compositions and building self-portraits through which she embodies other people whose religious and cultural experiences she makes visible.

In her approach to the popular cults of Cuba, Peréz has integrated exhaustive documentation with a proximity to the people who practice such rites. The results reflect her observations, but also her own experiences as carrier of her country's traditions. Her works refer to women's experience as desiring beings, who embody pain and social mandates in their role as the reproducers of life. As regards Santeria, there are also reflections on ritual, magic, superstition, and death as organizing elements in the world of the living.

In her video works, her body becomes an offering. This medium has allowed her to move from the gaze of the past, which comes across in her photographs, to visions of the present and future that, in any case, continue and arise from some of her photographic work.

Obras destacadas

  • 1985: serie “Para concebir
  • 1987: serie “Recuerdos de nuestro bebé
  • 1995: Lo que allí se siente
  • 1997: Yemayá, de la serie “Solo no se vive
  • 2001: Nunca me abandona
  • 2010: serie “No son míos
  • 2011: serie “Exvotos
  • 2017: Peticiones

Obras de Marta María Pérez en las Colecciones del Banco de la República

Obras de Marta María Pérez en la Colección de Arte del Banco de la República
Título Año Ubicación Denominación Registro
7.35 a.m. IV. Serie "para concebir" 1985 Reserva Fotografía AP1868
Estos me los dio la ceiba, su aire y su nacri dan vida. Serie "para concebir" 1985 Reserva Fotografía AP1869
Te nace ahogado con el cordón I. Serie "para concebir" 1985 Reserva Fotografía AP1865
No matar, ni ver matar animales III. Serie "para concebir" 1985 Reserva Fotografía AP1867
Muchas venganzas se satisfacen en el hijo de una persona odiada II. Serie "para concebir" 1985 Reserva Fotografía AP1866


  • 1959: nació en La Habana.
  • 1979: terminó estudios de artes plásticas en la Academia de Artes Plásticas San Alejandro en La Habana.
  • 1984: finalizó sus estudios en artes en el Instituto Superior de Arte en la misma ciudad.
  • 1990: participó en la XXI Bienal de Sao Paulo.
  • 1998: la Fundación Guggenheim de Nueva York le otorgó una beca
  • 1999: recibió una condecoración por sus aportes a la cultura de parte del Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba.
  • 2003: participó en la exposición Mapas abiertos. Fotografía Latinoamericana 1991-2002 en Madrid, España.
  • 2007: hizo parte de la exposición Caribbean encounters, en el Brooklyn Museum de Nueva York, Estados Unidos, y en la Trienal de Milán.
  • 2010: sus obras se exhibieron en muestras de fotografía y video en Austria y París.
  • 2016-2018: participó en la exposición colectiva Radical Women. Latin American Art en Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos) y Sao Paulo (Brasil).
  • 2020: el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana presentó la exposición “Firmeza”.

Véase también


  1. En Bellas Artes, primera muestra antológica de Marta María Pérez Bravo, March 16, 2020: https://www.arteporexcelencias.com/es/noticias/en-bellas-artes-primera-muestra-antologica-de-marta-maria-perez-bravo


1. Molina, J. A. (2013). Un camino oscuro. En: https://martamariaperezbravo.com/un-camino-oscuro/

2. Molina, J. A. (2015). Marta María Pérez: Narración y ficción / Símbolo y verdad. Colección Daros Latinamerica. En: https://martamariaperezbravo.com/marta-maria-perez-narracion-y-ficcion-simbolo-y-verdad/

3. Palomo, A. (2015). La maternidad en la creación plástica femenina. El caso de Ana Álvarez-Errecalde. Un estudio narrativo a propósito de la elaboración de un discurso expositivo y su materialización. Vic: Universitat de Vic, Universitat Central de Catalunya.

Colección de arte del Banco de la República

  • Visite la obra 7.35 a.m. IV.de Marta María Pérez en [1]
  • Visite la obra Estos me los dio la ceiba, su aire y su nacri dan vida de Marta María Pérez en [2]
  • Visite la obra Te nace ahogado con el cordón I de Marta María Pérez en [3]
  • Visite la obra Muchas venganzas se satisfacen en el hijo de una persona odiada II de Marta María Pérez en [4]


1. Investigación y texto: Oscar David Rodríguez, mediador de los Museos y colecciones del Banco de la República, para Banrepcultural.

2. Revisión y edición de textos: Inti Camila Romero Estrada y Diana Marcela Salas Solórzano. Servicios al Público y Educativos, Unidad de Arte y Otras Colecciones (UAOC)