Translations:Beatriz González/8/en

De Enciclopedia | La Red Cultural del Banco de la República

In addition to painting, Beatriz González has been a curator, teacher, art critic, and art historian. As she explained in the interview with Hans Ulrich Orbist, "I paint part-time and write part-time." As a historian, she has published Ramón Torres Méndez, entre lo pintoresco y la picaresca (between the picturesque and the picaresque) (1985), Roberto Páramo, pintor de la sabana (painter of the savannah) (1986), José Gabriel Tatis, un pintor comprometido (a committed painter) (1987), Fidolo Alfonso González Camargo (1987), Las artes plásticas en el siglo xix (visual arts in the 19th century) in the Great Encyclopedia of Colombia (1993), José María Espinoza: abanderado del arte en el siglo XIX (standard bearer of art in the 19th century) (1998), Andrés de Santa María: un precursor solitario (a lonely forerunner) (1998), Artistas en tiempos de guerra: Peregrino Rivera Arce (Artists in times of war: Peregrino Rivera Arce) (1999), ¡Quédese quieto! (Stand still!) Gaspard-Félix Tournachon “Nadar” (Swim) (1995), Auguste Le Moyne en Colombia 1828-1841 (Auguste Le Moyne in Colombia 182801841) (2003), Manual de Arte en el Siglo XIX en Colombia (Manual of Art in the 19th century in Colombia) (2013), Pobre de mí, no soy sino un triste pintor: cartas de Luis Caballero a Beatriz González (Poor me, I am but a sad painter: letters from Luis Caballero to Beatriz González) (2014), and other works. She was curator of the art and history collections at the National Museum for fourteen years, director of education at the Bogotá Museum of Modern Art for thirteen years, and has been an advisor to the art collections of the Banco de la República since 1985.