Translations:Claudia Joskowicz/5/en

De Enciclopedia | La Red Cultural del Banco de la República

That same year, Joskowizc participated in the AIM Fellowship residency at the Bronx Museum of the Arts in New York. Three years later, in 2003, she was part of another artist residency, Workspace: The Woolworth Building Residency at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in New York. In 2005, she won first prize in modified digital photography from the Simon I. Patiño Center in Cochabamba, Bolivia. She was a J. William Fulbright Scholar in research and teaching in Bolivia during 2009. Two years later, in 2011, she won the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in film and video and in 2014 she was present at the Commission for Mid-Career Artists by the Cisneros Fontanals Foundation in Miami.