Translations:Fernando Botero/39/en

De Enciclopedia | La Red Cultural del Banco de la República

Related links in Banrepcutural

  1. [1] Interactive timeline of the life of Fernando Botero
  2. [2] Consult the list of materials available at the Luis Ángel Arango Library.
  3. [3] Read the review " Botero meets Botero ", published in the book " Processes of art in Colombia ".
  4. [4] Read the book " Botero Collection in the first person singular ".
  5. [5] Consult the book " Fernando Botero, painting as a world ".
  6. [6] Read the review " Botero's fan ", written by Hernando Valencia Goelkel.
  7. [7] Read the review " La corrida ", written by Darío Jaramillo Agudelo for the magazine Credencial Historia.