Translations:Graciela Sacco/14/en

De Enciclopedia | La Red Cultural del Banco de la República
  • 1956: Born in Rosario, Argentina.
  • 1987: Awarded a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the National University of Rosario, with a thesis focusing on the Argentinian avant-gardes of the 1960s.
  • 1987-1997: Is the professor of the lecture “Issues of 20th Century Latin American Art” and the Experimental Art Workshop at the Fine Arts School of the National University of Rosario.
  • 1989: Receives a grant from Conicet with a UNESCO subsidy to carry out the research project entitled “Non-objectualisms in Argentina 1970-1990”.
  • 1994: Publishes her book “Solar Writings: Heliography in the Artistic Field”, in which she researches artisanal methods of producing photographic images.
  • 1996: Participates in the 23rd São Paulo International Art Biennial in Brazil.
  • 1997: Takes part in the 1st Mercosur International Visual Arts Biennial in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
  • 1998: Forms part of the group exhibition “Art in the World: 100 Artists of the World in Contemporary Art”, a show organized by the Beaux Arts magazine at Passage de Retz in Paris, France.
  • 2000: Participates in the 7th Havana International Art Biennial in Havana, Cuba, and the 9th International Photography Biennial in Mexico.
  • 2001: Takes part in the 49th Venice Biennale in Italy with her piece Entre nosotros (Between Us).
  • 2001-2003: Wins the “Artist of the Year” award from the Argentinian Association of Art Critics in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2004: Takes part in the 5th International Art Biennial in Shanghai, China with her work Sombras del Sur y del Norte (Shadows from the South and the North.)
    • Forms part of the group exhibition “Between Silence and Violence: Argentine Contemporary Art” at Sotheby’s in New York, USA.
  • 2006: Participates in international art fairs such as Paris Photo, ARCO, the International Contemporary Art Fair and Estampa 2006.
    • Takes part in the 2nd International Art Biennial of the End of the World in Ushuaia, Argentina.
  • 2011: Forms part of various group exhibitions such as “Radical Shift” in Germany, “Crisisss Latin America: Art and Confrontation 1910-2010” in Mexico and “Any Exit Can Be Imprisonment” in Spain.
  • 2012: Obtains the Konex Merit Diploma from the Konex Foundation in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2015: ESite-specific retrospective exhibition at the Art Museum of the Banco de la República, entitled “Graciela Sacco: Nothing is where it seems to be…”.
  • 2017: Participates in Bienalsur, the International Contemporary Art Biennial of South America with her piece “¿Quién fue?” (Who was it?) which was used as a public space intervention in La Paz, Bolivia.
    • 2017: Passes away due to cancer in her native Argentina.
  • 2018: A posthumous exhibition entitled “Graciela Sacco (1956-2017): Tribute Show” is held at the National Fine Arts Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina.