Translations:Oscar Muñoz/10/en

De Enciclopedia | La Red Cultural del Banco de la República
  • 1976: Inquilinato (Tenement Houses)
  • 1980: Interiores (Interiors)
  • 1986: Pinturas de Agua (Water Paintings) series (collection of the La Tertulia Modern Art Museum in Cali)
  • 1986-1992: Cortinas de baño (Shower Curtains)
  • 1988: Espacios (Spaces)
  • 1991: Tiznados (Sooty)
  • 1994: Ambulatorio (Ambulatory)
  • 1995-2001: Narciso (Narcissus; collection of the Tate Modern in London and the New York Museum of Modern Art)
  • 1995-2002:Aliento (Breath)
  • 1999-2007: Pixeles (Pixels)
  • 2003-2004: Re/trato (Portrait/I Try Again)
  • 2007: El juego de las probabilidades (The Game of Probabilities; collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art)
  • 2011: Impresiones débiles (Weak Impressions)
  • 2011: Sedimentaciones (Sedimentations; collection of the Tate Modern in London) and Editor solitario (Solitary Editor), commissioned by the Banco de la República for the Protographs exhibition.